I was feeling the itch! Hadn't been in the air for a while, so I thought it was time to get another shot of altitude to get me through. I thought about just doing circuits at Ballarat, but then I thought I'd do a little of everything - circuits, navigation, crosswind landings, etc. Where is fairly close so I can do that?
Maryborough, that's where!
I will always remember Manny telling me about how the local pilots refer to Maryborough as The Carrier Deck because it is short and the close trees present turbulence difficulties near the ground. It has got a bit better lately, as the Council cleared the land around the runways a little more, but it still feels short - I know, I've operated out of much shorter strips before, but there's something about seeing all the trees coming towards you that makes you sit up and take note!
It was about 27 degrees centigrade, so it was bumpy below 1500 feet AGL. In contrast, it was beautifully smooth above. The video is just a few small scenes of the trip, reduced to save on time and space! It is my first attempt at high-definition video editing and also incorporating cockpit audio into the recording. I purchased a Contour Roam2 camera and a separate voice recorder and I sync up them in post-processing.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy this first real attempt and I hope to be making more awesome videos for your enjoyment in the near future.
P.s. Watch it in HD if you can!
Very nicely done mate, Ok i am sufficiently jealous now! Impressive landings too... cheers!